House maintenance costs

House maintenance costs

If you are a real estate owner or just planning to become one, then this is the topic for you! Are you wondering what the costs of maintaining a house in Croatia are in 2022? Croatia Real Estates agency answers all questions and answers related to real estate, lifestyle, design, tourism, and many other topics. The leading real estate agency in Croatia brings to its readers all topics relevant to life in Lijepa Naša!

Whether you are a homeowner or just want to become one, for detailed information follow our official website and, among other things, find out how to buy real estate in Croatia today! Our professional team is always available for inquiries and advice!




You must have heard of the term utilities or communal fees, but if you haven’t, we will tell you in more detail what they exactly mean and who is obliged to pay them!

The communal fee is revenue from the budget of local self-government units, and it belongs to the dedicated fee paid by all citizens, as well as natural and legal persons. The funds of the communal fee are intended to finance the performance of the following communal activities: maintenance of public areas, maintenance of unclassified roads, public lighting, maintenance of cleanliness in the part related to the cleaning of public areas, drainage of atmospheric water (maintenance of storm drainage systems), maintenance of cemeteries and crematoriums, other communal activities of local importance.

All those citizens of the Republic of Croatia who are users or owners of residential premises, business premises, garage premises, construction land used for business activities, and undeveloped construction land are obliged to pay the state a monthly maintenance fee.

The decision of the Management Board of Zagrebački Holding d.o.o. o brings the prices of public transport services and disposal of mixed municipal waste. For the collection and removal of municipal waste, service users pay for the service per m2 of assigned area as follows:



Electricity is another indispensable item when it comes to paying household bills, and we can say that these days it is quite expensive! The price for electricity consumption is calculated in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Kilowatt-hour means the unit of measure for working energy, which is determined by measurement. The price that consumers pay includes a fee for the delivery service and additional monthly fees for supply and distribution.

The fee for the electricity delivery service refers to all the costs of the electricity sector and includes all the costs of electricity production and/or supply, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, electricity supply, running the electricity system, and the costs of organizing the electricity market.





An unavoidable part of every household bill is the fee for drinking water. Something without which you can’t do everything even if you wanted to, the cost is quite expensive these days! Are you wondering how much the water fee is in Croatia? We bring you a detailed insight into consumption. The bill for water services consists of a fixed and a variable part.


The FIXED PART is charged regardless of consumption, monthly for each service user to whom an invoice is issued. While the VARIABLE PART is charged according to consumption and is comprised of several items, i.e. fees, where the income from them is intended for different entities.


Water prices will inevitably rise, but the question is how much and in what time frame. The current energy crisis, rising prices of construction materials, and inflation have already forced numerous utility companies to make the unpopular move of raising the prices of water services. Below we bring you the current price list for paying water fees in the Zagreb area. Cubic water on average 2-3 EUR each. The rest of the calculation price list is similar in other parts of Lijepa Naša, depending on consumption, and you can find it on the official website of Water Supply.


Perhaps one of the most current topics today is the use and consumption of gas. Due to the current situation in Europe and the shortage of gas, it is questionable how much gas compensation will cost in the coming months since an inevitable and above all drastic increase in gas prices is expected. But today we bring you some of the basic items for calculating gas consumption in Lijepa Naša in more detail for the current year 2022!

Calculation and collection of delivered gas are performed based on the General Conditions of Gas Supply (Official Gazette 158/13, 88/19, 39/20, 100/21).

You can see the price list for households in the picture below (the price list was valid on March 11, 2022, and the price of gas includes the tariff item for the purchase of gas, including the purchase and transport of gas and the transport plain fee of the supply network). You can find all other gas consumption compensation prices for the Republic of Croatia on the official website of HEPLIN.




From March 11, 2022 – At the session held on March 7, 2022, the Administrative Council of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) adopted a Decision on the amount of tariff items for the public gas supply service for the period from April 1 to December 31, 2022, and for the period from January 1 to March 31, 2023 (Official Gazette 32/22) (Decision) and the Decision on the amount of tariff items for guaranteed gas supply for end customers other than households for the period from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. (NN 32/22). We see an increase in the price of gas supply from HRK 0.2607/kWh to HRK 0.4610/kWh in a very short period of time. All these prices are also excluding VAT.

We see an increase in the price of gas supply from HRK 0.2607/kWh to HRK 0.4610/kWh in a very short period of time. All these prices are also excluding VAT. They have been changed in relation to the currently valid gas prices due to changes in the cost of gas procurement, whereby the average increase in the final price of gas, excluding VAT, from April 1, 2022, according to the Decision, is 77%. of energy and you can read about it in detail on the official website of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

Waste removal


You might not immediately think of the first item, but it is one of the most important, and we bring you a more detailed insight into the prices of household waste removal/removal. Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomašević announced on Thursday that starting October 1, 2022, a new collection system for waste removal will be launched in Zagreb, which, in addition to a fixed price on monthly bills of HRK 45 for natural persons and HRK 90 for legal entities, citizens who separate waste will pay smaller accounts.

“After October 1, for the first time in the history of Zagreb, municipal waste removal will be paid for, so that people who do not separate waste will pay more, and those who separate waste will pay less. It’s a fair model,” said Tomašević, writes N1.

Fines for breaking the rules will amount to HRK 500 per household member, and HRK 1,000 in multi-apartment buildings.


House insurance

Do you know how much property insurance costs? Often the price is more favorable than the price of personal vehicle insurance. If you want to insure your property, you will need to contact a certain insurance company. Don’t worry, the offer is great! From more expensive to cheaper and more favorable offers, we separate some of the most sought-after, such as CROATIA ALLIANZ Zagreb, Generali, UNIQA, AGRAM LIFE insurance, and many others.

You can get information about the offer in a very simple way, online. In the sea of ​​offers, insurance companies make contact and insight into the offered service access to their clients.

Although a large number of citizens of the Republic of Croatia do not own any real estate, according to statistics, only 20% of them have ensured the same real estate. We can guess the reason for this, but we certainly know that the price of property insurance is actually in most cases more favorable than vehicle insurance, and it gives an irreplaceable feeling of security in one’s own home, which is more than property to all of us – a place of life.

If you want to insure your home against fire risks, storms, hail, spills from water and sewage pipes, burglary, additional coverage such as property liability and private liability, glass breakage, and earthquake insurance without participating in the damage, one of the above-mentioned companies Wiener Osiguranje offers a service to cover the costs of organizing the arrival of the service technician and the total amount of work up to 159.27 EUR / 1,200.00 HRK.

During 12 months from the date of insurance, you can use a maximum of three Wiener home assistance services, with the total amount of all services amounting to a maximum of EUR 159.27 / HRK 1,200.00.

Property tax

If you bought, inherited, or in any other way acquired real estate (building or land) when no value-added tax (VAT) is paid on such acquisition, you are liable for real estate sales tax. The tax rate is three percent of the market value of the property at the time of its acquisition.



Is it cheap to buy real estate in Croatia?

Buying real estate in Croatia is a relatively affordable venture for foreign buyers, but not necessarily for Croatian citizens themselves. Comparing Croatia with other countries, we can say that shopping in the area of ​​Lijepa Naša is accessible mostly to foreigners. However, the amount you will pay depends on the type of property and whether the property has been recently renovated, and the location.

Real estate in the old town, the city center, or houses by the sea will always be more expensive than on the outskirts of cities and in unpopular regions. We can say that the prices are the highest in especially attractive coastal regions such as Dalmatia and Istria. In the continental part of Croatia, for example in Zagreb, the price of an apartment in a new building can reach from 3,000 to 5,000 euros per square meter. The situation is no better on the coast either, and for an apartment in a new building in Split of, say, 80 square meters, you will have to shell out approximately a dizzying 4,000 euros per square meter. Southern Dalmatia and the island record similar, if not even higher, prices per square meter.

What types of real estate exist in Croatia?

There are two types of real estate in the Republic of Croatia, namely land and buildings.