Tips for buying an apartment

Tips for buying an apartment

Are you looking for your dream apartment in wonderful Croatia? Welcome to the Croatia Real Estates page, where our leading real estate agency in Croatia offers you countless tips and information that will make it easier for you to buy real estate!


With an extensive database and unsurpassed experience, the Croatia Real Estate agency offers its readers not only advice but also professional mediation! Find out how to buy an apartment by the sea or in another attractive part of Croatia today!

Set a budget

As with any purchase, determining the budget when buying a property, in this case, an apartment, is extremely important! Be realistic and honest with yourself about how much you are ready to spend “within” and “outside” the frame/budget and be ready for extra!


A realistic budget will help you scout the prices in the market and give you a clear picture of the price you are willing to invest in your investment. For all those inexperienced buyers who are buying real estate of this type for the first time, and for those experienced investors, the advice we offer you will surely be of great help! 

So research your market, get well informed and dive into an investment worth your time and budget!

Explore credit options

If you do not have the option of direct deposit of money when buying real estate, or paying in cash, then you are surely thinking about taking out a loan. Be careful, the last thing you want is to get stuck with a loan with high-interest rates!

In order to purchase real estate, a home loan can serve as a bridge to your goal! As a sought-after intermediary, the bank can lend financial resources to clients in the form of loans with a repayment term of up to 30 years. Interest rates vary depending on the length of the loan. 

Your creditworthiness depends on how much credit you can take out and whether the bank will grant you a loan. In order to get a home loan, you will have to meet the criteria.

  1. To be a room with a regular monthly income.


  1. Fulfill orderliness in the repayment of existing obligations.


  1. The amount of the loan that can be taken out is determined by the potential annuity, i.e. the amount of unencumbered monthly income, calculated in accordance with enforcement law.


  1. Guarantors or co-borrowers can increase the creditworthiness of the loan seeker. The loan beneficiary’s income must not be less than the annuity, regardless of the guarantor/co-debtor.


  1. Have someone willing to be your guarantor. Spouses are usually included in the loan as co-borrowers.


Pay attention to the interest rate

When choosing an adequate loan, one of the important factors is the type of interest rate you want to contract with the bank. According to volatility during loan repayment, there are three basic types of interest rates:


  1. Fixed interest rate – an interest rate that is unchanging and its amount is defined by the contract and remains the same throughout the loan repayment period. One of the safest forms of interest rate eliminates uncertainty regarding future payments, i.e. receiving interest.


  1. Variable interest rate – Variable (variable) interest rate that changes during the contractual period. Whether the interest rate will increase or decrease depends on the future movement of interest rates. Accordingly, this type of interest rate carries greater uncertainty regarding future payments and disbursements and has a greater interest rate risk.


  1. Mixed or combined interest rate – It is essentially a combination of variable and fixed interest rates. For example, at the beginning, you pay interest at a fixed rate, and after that time, usually a shorter period, you pay interest at a variable interest rate. In terms of its height, this combination is between a lower variable and a higher fixed interest rate.


Contact a real estate agent

Real estate agents are the ideal choice and have all the skills you need if you are looking for real estate. With an adequate agency, you will be advised in your best interest. From expert and professional staff, you can get all the help you need, from market price research, sales agreements, mediation between principal and buyer, solutions for all necessary documentation related to transfer, registration, and purchase, and many other benefits that will make it easier for you purchase process!


Croatia Real Estates has been professionally advising its clients for years and has successfully acted as an intermediary for many satisfied foreign and domestic clients! Choose wisely and choose your perfect agent and start your search for the apartment of your dreams today!


Choosing the location of the apartment

In some of our previous blogs, we have mentioned the importance of location when looking for real estate. A good location will leave a little deeper mark in your pocket, but it will certainly ensure a higher value of your property if one day you decide to sell it!


In the world of real estate, we won’t say that location is everything, but it is very close to being one of the most important factors when buying and selling. Not only can location add to your value, but it can also certainly take it away! If you want to turn your real estate into a profitable investment whose capital can be doubled when sold, take your time and don’t rush.


Let the location selection be analytical and strategic with the advice of a real estate agent as your best option!


Negotiations with the seller


If you are not an expert in real estate, we advise you to leave such negotiations with the seller to expert and professional staff, preferably to the real estate agency you have chosen as your intermediary in the purchase process. Skilled and full of knowledge, especially negotiation skills, real estate agents can be of great help to you!


A real estate agent who knows numbers, laws, and what is currently in demand on the market can help you negotiate. If you choose a high-quality intermediary agency that will assure you, you have no reason to worry, in fact, you can leave this already stressful process in the expert hands of individuals who will do the job in your best interest!

Insure the property

Are you wondering why it would be beneficial to insure your property? Real estate insurance is ideal in case of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, etc. 


Not only does it provide you with literal protection if something goes wrong, but it also provides you with peace of mind knowing that whatever happens, your insurance company will also pay you off and provide accommodation. A move that is not so popular in the Republic of Croatia, but more so abroad or in countries more exposed to natural disasters. 


However, after the earthquake that hit Croatia in March of 2020, this type of movement became more and more popular in Croatia. There are many insurance companies on the market, but some of the most popular are CROATIA osiguranje d.d., Generali osiguranje d.d., Allianz, Euroherc and Jadransko osiguranje.